
Monday, April 4, 2016

The United States of America

The United States of America.

In just what state are Americans united?

Is it the United States of Amnesia, as Gore Vidal once suggested, in the way Americans forget the morass their government gets us into when it meddles in the affairs of other countries patronizingly referred to as "third world"? Third world being code for having either resources, strategic location, or cheap labor we covet.

Is it the United States of Attention Deficit, as in multi-tasking has us too distracted doing everything at once to be able to pay attention to any one thing? The futility of it all keeps us frustrated and overwhelmed.

Is it the United States of Apathy, as in votes cast by us don't matter? It's business as usual so long as the credit and bling keeps flowing to us. Why resolve today what can be procrastinated for someone else to resolve tomorrow?

Is it the United States of Arrogance, as in we know what's best for the world because we are American? After all, America created Manifest Destiny.

Is it the United States of Agenda, as in getting whatever is entitled to us that preserves self esteem whatever the cost to the other guy? Self esteem justifies the means.

Is it the United States of Angst as in are others doing enough for us to preserve self esteem?

Is it the United States of Anger, as in the world doesn't like us anymore and our self esteem just can't handle not being number one anymore?

It is a curious state of the Union.